14 step formula to help anyone land their ideal job regardless of their job experience or education level.
What You Will Learn
In stage 1, you will learn 4 extremely important “planning” steps to setup base for you to land your ideal job.
In stage 2, you will work on the next 4 “execution” steps in your quest to land your ideal job.
In stage 3, you will take 3 “finalisation” steps which will get you your ideal job.
BONUS: 3 super tips for the world’d leading recruiter to help you ace your goal of landing your ideal job.
No requirements.
The “Action-plan to secure a great job” program is designed with 14 step formula to help anyone land their ideal jobs no matter if you are a student, fresh graduate or someone with a lot of work experience . These steps are executed by Aqib in his own professional life and then tested using pattern similarities worldwide between people in at least 40 different countries to raise your chances of getting your ideal job by 5x.
The program is divided into 3 stages:
- Planing stage:
At this stage, all the steps are going to be about planning out the strategy for you to get your ideal job. This stage contains 4 major steps that will help you get to the next stage.
- Execution stage:
In this group of steps, we will be executing the strategy we built in the planning stage so you can get your job. This stage has 5 steps which will help you get to your final stage of landing your ideal job
- Finalisation stage:
This stage has 5 steps for you to land your job. These steps are extremely crucial yet simple to follow. These are the final steps which will help you land your ideal job.
What else do you get out when you purchase the program:
- The complete “Action-plan to secure a great job”.
- 14 main sessions coached by your instructor Aqib Malik.
- Simple step-by-step action plan ready to be executed.
- Additional benefit : Access to Aqib to ask any questions on the final step. (revealed inside the program).
Who this course is for:
- You are someone who’s unclear about what action steps he/she/they need to take in order to get to a (good and ideal) job.
- You are either in college, recently graduated from high school or has been graduated for a while now but doesn’t know how to land a (good and ideal) job.
- You are craving to live a life of good quality of your dreams while impacting the World.
The post Get your ideal job in 14 steps appeared first on magcourse.com/.