What you will learn
Create your own successful YouTube channel
Grow your brand with a YouTube channel
This course is designed to teach you from scratch every single thing I have done or currently doing related to my own youtube channels and how I to setup your facebook page, First google ad and facebook events ad.
1) Setup Youtube channel
2) Create Facebook Page
3) Create facebook events ad
4) Run google search Ad
This is a beginner’s course so please check course content before you enroll!
Why Start A Youtube Channel
Instructor Intro
Why Start A Youtube Channel
I am here to help
Shooting And Editing Your Vlogg Like A Pro
Shooting Your Vlogg LIve
Editing Your Vlogg On Phone
Enjoying Your Learning So Far?
Design Channel Art & Thumbnail Without Photoshop
Design With Canva – Overview
Making Channel Art Or Thumbnail
Publishing Your First Video
Uploading your videos
Why You need to verify your channel ASAP
Optimizing Your Channels & Its Tools
Updating Thumbnail And linking With facebook
Most Important – Updating Channel About Section And Links
Creating a discussion with followers and Link tracking hack
90% Off My All Courses February 2020
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#Run #Facebook #Event #Youtube #Channel #amp #Google